Live Lecture scheduled for December 30, 12: Hard truth – Open Heart
Live Lecture: Hard truth – Open Heart.
We cannot ignore it: there is a lot of unwanted suffering in the world. We experience that. It's a hard truth. That truth touches us because we deeply care about ourselves and our world. That is bodhichitta, the open heart of the Buddha. How can we open this heart within ourselves and from there learn to deal with the hard truths of our existence? We will investigate this together at the end of this year.
Han de Wit was trained and authorized by meditation master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche to teach the Buddhist vision and its meditation practice. He is the author of widely read books on Buddhism and its practice. He also achieved international fame as the founder of contemplative psychology.
The Zoom participation link, other information and tips for participation can be found on the 30NOW live page.