Live Lecture scheduled for 16-03-2025: Inside is outside and outside is inside
Live Lecture: Inside is outside and outside is inside. The world we live in is the world as we experience it. In that sense, our entire world is not an 'outside world', because we are already mentally immersed in it, as it were, up to ...
Live Lecture scheduled for 01-09-2024: The open field of experience
Live Lecture: The Open Field of Experience. Our vision of our existence determines how we approach life. When our vision is dominated by egocentrism, our natural desire for a happy world narrows to a striving for self-preservation ...
Live Lecture scheduled for December 30, 12: Hard truth – Open Heart
Live Lecture: Hard Truth – Open Heart. We can’t escape it: there is a lot of unwanted suffering in the world. We experience it. It is a hard truth. That truth touches us because we deeply care about ...