A life focused on awakening

Integrate mindfulness, wisdom and compassion
in every fiber of your life.

Bart van Melik & Joost van den Heuvel Rijnders

This is what you can expect

  • High image quality lectures

    6 lectures, recorded in high image quality, can be viewed at a chosen moment.

  • Supporting Texts

    Access to the in-depth texts and quotes from the Satipatthana Sutta.

  • Reflections and Contemplations

    The 6 themes are also accompanied by reflections and contemplations for everyday life.

    This in the form of personal video messages from Joost and Bart for each theme.

  • Support & Exchange

    Opportunity to share experiences and ask questions to the supervisors Bart and Joost.

    An online place where you can exchange and grow from connection in a life focused on awakening.

  • Instant and unlimited access

    Direct access to all theme pages with the complete course material.
    With a (active) Membership you have unlimited access. Without Membership you have 3 months access.