In this episode Eveline Brandt and Joost van den Heuvel Rijnders are sitting together at the kitchen table as usual. The reason for the conversation is the publication of their book 'Back to the heart', which is in stores from today. Their first book 'Back to the market' is mainly about the qualities of mindfulness and wisdom. This new book is about the qualities of the heart, including kindness, compassion, compassion, and equanimity. These aspects – wisdom and kindness – are compared in Buddhism to a bird that needs two wings to fly properly and find its way in the world. 'They seem to be two separate qualities, but both wings are part of the same bird,' says Joost.
There are also other heart qualities described in their book, for example gratitude, contentment, and an ethically healthy lifestyle that serves the well-being of all beings. Isn't that soft? 'It can be soft, accommodating, but at the same time very courageous. Instead of running away from a conflict, or something else that is difficult, we can pause and open, and perhaps experience the space to take a different path. And to consider the question: what does the world need? Then the heart speaks'. According to Joost. Eveline also mentions that there can be a healthy self-interest. 'Go to: what do you sleep better on, rancor or kindness?'
In their book, the ancient Buddhist insights are linked to recent scientific research. Eveline: 'Western psychology confirms insights from the Buddha. I experience that myself. The more I practice mindfulness and kindness, the more it comes back. When I look with soft eyes, I also see more softness around me'.
Joost hopes that this book can contribute to the pleasure and joy of meditation. 'If we include the heart in the meditation, the practice becomes more generous, more enjoyable, more fun'. Eveline closes the podcast with a short wish of kindness.
Order the book here at Publisher Asoka