Courses account

The characteristics

Participation in live courses, retreats and in-depth series without Membership.

Free access to the 30 Day Series.

Switching to a full Membership is possible at any time.

Questions and reflections can be shared directly with supervisors.

The advantages

More access, deepening and connection with the Membership.

Library with 1000+ meditations & lectures from various guides and movements, immediately accessible;

Understanding and answering common meditation challenges;

Maintain access to purchased Live Courses & In-depth Series;

Unlimited access to the 30 Day Series and the deepening series hard meditations;

Free from tacit extensions, so you are not committed to anything;

Choose the Membership rate that suits you.

The Membership partly serves as compensation for our work. For example, we invest in technology, offer technical support to all participants and supervisors, ensure good online security and continue to improve ease of use.
We also want to make the range more sustainable, broaden it and develop new courses. In this way we remain committed to our goal: making meditation accessible to everyone. 

Omdat iedere persoonlijke situatie verschilt, laten we jou zelf kiezen welk bedrag je voor het Lidmaatschap haalbaar en passend vindt. Daarom hanteren we drie tarieven voor het Lidmaatschap: Basis, Midden en Ambassadeur. De toegang is bij deze tarieven hetzelfde, maar de manier waarop je bijdraagt, is verschillend en wordt hierboven per tarief toegelicht.

At the same time, money should never be a barrier to participation. That is why:
If it is not possible to pay the Basic rate, please contact Contact us so that we can come to a suitable appointment for you.
Because although we are an organization that incurs costs, we believe that money should never be the reason for not gaining access.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Adding a profile image to your 30NOWaccount enhances the Sangha experience by creating a more personal connection with other users. Your profile image appears on posts you post and promotes a sense of Sangha/community and connection.

Changing your profile image works as follows:

  • Go to the section my profile picture on the My Details page.
  • Click and press the button to upload or change an image.
  • Select an image from your device that you want to use as your profile image.
  • Save the changes, and your new image will be visible in your posts and interactions 30NOW.

Good to know: To show an image next to your name during live sessions, change this via More information >

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With you can transfer a donation for the supervisors.

The team of guides provides live meditations and lectures based on a donation (dana). You have the option to transfer an amount of your own choice; this will be distributed among the supervisors. Any amount you give is good – give what makes you happy: Donation for all supervisors.

Thank you in advance!

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Do you have extensive experience in guiding meditations and are you interested in participating? Then sign up via this registration form. We will contact you to discuss the wishes and expectations of both sides.

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Is your question not listed? Please contact Team Support, we are happy to help you!

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How can I contact the different supervisors? 30NOW explore?

To assist the various supervisors 30NOW to explore you go to to get an overview of all supervisors. Each profile page offers, among other things, a short biography and the individual offer 30NOW such as an overview of the live sessions and courses that the supervisor offers.

We are also developing new functionalities with which you can easily follow the offers of your favorite supervisors. Until then, you can visit their profile pages regularly for the latest updates.

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Yes, of course. At various meditations you have the opportunity to share your suggestions and feedback. In addition, you can submit suggestions for Live meditations via the suggestion form.

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It is possible that your question or comment is not noticed or has been deliberately skipped by the supervisor. In addition, the supervisor determines which questions he/she answers and when.

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We opt for a collaboration with several supervisors. Both 30NOW if the supervisors are continuously developing and it may be that after some time the cooperation is no longer appropriate.
Do you have a question about this? Then share it with Team Support.

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The substantive line that we at 30NOW Following is a contemporary approach to Buddhist meditation. Central is the practice of mindfulness or attention: an acknowledging awareness of physical and mental experiences. Although there are differences in styles and content of the meditations offered, they all align with the principle of mindfulness. Meditations are also offered that can develop other qualities such as calmness, kindness and compassion.

See also

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Op you will find an overview of the planned live sessions of various supervisors and speakers.
Op you can see which permanent supervisors regularly give a live meditation or lecture.

Tip: Use the (free) Live Announcements and receive the announcement in your mailbox 12 hours before each Live session.

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Op you will find an overview of the planned live sessions of various supervisors and speakers.
Op you can see which permanent supervisors regularly give a live meditation or lecture.

Tip: Use the (free) Live Announcements and receive the announcement in your mailbox 12 hours before each Live session.

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Is your question not listed?
For information, contact with us!

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