Breathing Mindfully

Bhante Sujato

Mindfulness of breathing was the meditation the Buddha practiced underneath the Bodhi tree, and remained his preferred meditation even after his enlightenment. Because of this it has always claimed a special prestige as the royal road to Nibbana.
The chief source is the Ānāpānasati Sutta in the Theravāda Majjhima Nikāya.
By considering mindfulness in its historical context, by including all relevant texts, and by understanding the historical evolution of the schools, we arrive at a richer, more nuanced, and more realistic understanding of mindfulness.
This not only helps us appreciate our tradition better, it gives a more useful, balanced, and authentic framework for practice.

Bhante Sujato is an Australian Buddhist monk in the Thai Forest tradition. He was the Abbot of Santi Forest Monastery in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales for 10 years. Bhante Sujato is a Pali scholar and a highly respected meditation teacher. He brings a rare combination of humour, compassion and deep knowledge to his teachings which show us how to live our busy lives within core Buddhist principles.

Bhante Sujato founded the Buddhist website SuttaCentral, to provide access to early Buddhist texts in their original language and make translations available in modern languages. From 2015–2018, Bhante Sujato has made a new English translation of the entire four Pali Nikayas that can be found on SuttaCentral.

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